Features from the xrg dungeons

This series of articles aims to guide you through a set of pending features for OpenERP. Some of them are experimental, some more mature, some need to contain their maturing process... (read more)

Monday, April 18, 2011

OpenERP client Library

Status: beta
Gitweb: http://git.hellug.gr/?p=xrg/openerp-libcli
Clone URL: http://members.hellug.gr/xrg/repos/openerp-libcli
Conceived: summer 2010
Implemented: March 2011

The title shall be enough.
One of the goals is to include all the protocol magic in one library, so that client implementations need no more worry about that. Also, non-Python client libraries could use this one as a reference.
So far, Net-RPC, XML-RPCv1, XML-RPCv2 are supported, with Pyro code also pasted in (but not tested, expect it to burst in flames).

Python 2.7.1
>>> from openerp_libclient import rpc
>>> rpc.openSession(proto="http", host='localhost', port='8169', user="admin", passwd="admin", superpass="admin", dbname="test_bqi")
>>> rpc.login()

>>> proxy = rpc.RpcProxy('res.partner')
>>> print proxy.read([1])

[{'comment': False, 'ean13': False, 'date': False, 'id': 1, 'city': 'Gerompont', 'user_id': False, 'title': False, 'company_id': [1, 'OpenERP S.A.'], 'parent_id': False, 'employee': False, 'ref': False, 'email': False, 'vat': False, 'website': False, 'customer': True, 'bank_ids': [], 'child_ids': [], 'supplier': False, 'address': [1], 'active': True, 'lang': 'en_US', 'credit_limit': False, 'name': 'OpenERP S.A.', 'phone': '(+32).', 'mobile': False, 'country': [20, 'Belgium'], 'events': [], 'category_id': []}]
>>> print proxy.read([1], fields=['name', 'date'])
[{'date': False, 'id': 1, 'name': 'OpenERP S.A.'}]